Teacher education programme for Gymnasium with the subject English
The teacher education programmes are divided between the locations Nuremberg and Erlangen. Courses designed for Grund-/Mittel-/Realschule are mostly at the Campus Regensburger Straße, whereas courses for Realschule and Gymnasium are mostly held in Erlangen. Please note that this is not binding – every student of the teacher education programme English is welcome to attend courses at both locations!
More general information can also be found at the English and American Studies homepage.
Information about specific courses and modules can be found here.
We also offer an innovative „Inter-/ Intradisziplinäres Kombiseminar Lehramt“. Please read this document for more information.
As well as courses on foreign language education, students are also required to attend courses in the subject areas. For a module description of the subject area and more information, please visit the English and American Studies homepage and the Language Centre homepage.
According to § 34 Abs. 1 Satz 1 (LPO I) from 13. März 2008, students who started their studies during the winter term 2008/09 have to complete the following internships:
a) ein Betriebspraktikum,
b) ein Orientierungspraktikum,
c) ein pädagogisch-didaktisches Schulpraktikum,
d) ein studienbegleitendes fachdidaktisches Praktikum, das sich bei Gymnasium auf die vertieft studierten Fächer bezieht. (Englischpraktikum, please refer to this page for more information!)
Please contact the Praktikumsamt für Lehramt an Gymnasien for more information of visit the ZFL homepage for detailed descriptions.
- Question:
Can I attend courses of the Basismodul and Aufbaumodul at the same time?
No, the Basismodul has to be completed first. After that you are able to attend courses of the Aufbaumodul. - Question:
Can I attend the studienbegleitendes fachdidaktisches Praktikum if I haven’t completed the TEFL-course yet?
No, the TEFL-course has to be passed before starting the English internship!