
Welcome to the Chair of Foreign Language Education of the FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg!

We are involved in all teacher education programmes for students aiming for a teaching degree in English, French, Italian and Spanish. For our students studying to become teachers we offer courses focusing on the teaching of language, literature and culture. In addition, we offer courses in first and second language acquisition in the two Master’s programmes “English Studies” and “Linguistics”.

In our research projects, we examine different aspects of multilingualism. Our research interests include the following areas: bilingual education in kindergarten/pre-school, primary and secondary school; factors affecting first and second language acquisition; early foreign language learning and teaching; computer-assisted language learning and teaching.

      Die intersektionale Wirkung von Geschlecht und Gender bei Französisch- und Spanischlernenden in Jahrgangsstufe 9. Eine empirische Studie zu multiplen Einflussfaktoren auf die fremdsprachliche Leistung. Tübingen: Narr Nähere Informationen finden Sie unter fo...

Kategorie: News

On 14 November 2022, the Bavarian Minister of Science and the Arts Markus Blume awarded the "Prize for Good Teaching" to 30 Bavarian university teachers at an event hosted by the University of Augsburg. With this award, the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts annually honors the work of ...

Kategorie: News